4 Important Services Of A Sports Advisory Firm For A Franchise Investor

Professional sports have become a good business to invest money in, but this is not just for the top professional leagues in the country. There are minor league franchises in baseball and hockey as well as franchises in professional sports such as women's basketball, men and women's soccer and lacrosse to name a few. Although there are opportunities in sports franchise investing, there are many questions that need to be answered before you decide to invest your money. Read More 

3 Reasons to Meet With a Financial Advisor

If you are ever in a position where you are feeling unsure about your finances or there has been a big change in your finances, then you may want to meet with a financial advisor. They are very knowledgeable when it comes to handling money and they can give you the tools that you need to work through any financial situation. Here are three reasons to meet with a financial advisor. Read More 

3 Financial Steps To Take Before Marriage

Sure, marriage is all about love, but it is also about building a life with another person and finances are a significant part of this new life. When couples experience financial issues, especially early on, it can have a damaging effect on their marriage for many years. Before saying 'I do', there are specific financial steps every person should take, such as: Minimize Debt Make an effort to minimize as much of your debt as you can before marriage. Read More 

How To Establish Your Office Staff As You Begin Your New Small Business

Is your dream of owning your own business finally a reality? Perhaps you have opened a legal practice or you have started your own dental practice. Whatever business you have established, you have probably realized early on that you will need others to handle certain portions of your business. After all, if you are busy with clients, it would certainly be inconvenient and even inappropriate to be answering the telephone!  From selecting a receptionist to establishing small business accounting, here are some ideas on how to establish your office staff as you begin your new small business: Read More 

Naming Minors On Your Life Insurance: Precautionary Measures

Life insurance is a good idea, especially when you have children. It is important to have some finances to help take care of your children after you are gone. However, if you name minors on a life insurance policy, the minors cannot legally sign the policy. Until they are old enough to sign the policy, another adult has to sign as a witness. There are some other precautionary measures you should take when you name your children as beneficiaries of your life insurance. Read More